What about Access- 365-Runtime? Will these features work with it? If an Access-2019 application - which uses the above features - is run with Access-Runtime 2013 or 2016 - will these special 2019 features really work? I've talked with a Microsoft representative and he said "Your Access-2019 applications will have to be run on Access 2013 or 2016 runtime, and it is supposed to work just fine". It's been said in various places that NO Access-Runtime-2019 is been planned to be built. If we plan to use Access 2019 to benefit from all the above advantages - what kind of Runtime am I to give to the customers? It is NOT a problem to run excel automation VBA code from Access, and we use it a lot. And most of them have various versions of MS-Office Standard, say 2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013 etc. Now most of my customers run Access desktop applications through Access Runtime. The link is resumable, so you don’t have to worry about download breaking.I'm planning to "upgrade" the MS-Access desktop application I've developed for various customers with various Access versions - to Access 2019. If you’re on a slow connection use a download manager to download. Microsoft Office 2013 Home and Businessīelow are the direct download links, however, for the product key, you still need to sign up on Technet.Please use these links to download the latest version of Office 2013: Update: Previous direct download links are no longer working. Then select the language you want, choose 32-bit or 64-bit version, and hit download.On the next page you will get your product key for Office 2013 save it!.Sign in, fill up the form, and click on Continue.Head over to TechNet Evaluation Center, scroll down the page and click on the link that says “Download the.

If you can do with those, here are steps to get the installer: Download Steps:

It also does not support the fast streaming feature.That means if you have Office 2010 or Office 2007 installed, you’ll have to remove it before installing Office 2013.